Re: questioning Y2K

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Sat Oct 31 1998 - 00:50:42 MST

> condiments for beans and rice
>I have almost every survival book ever written, and 5 years+ back
>issues of "American Survival Guide" and this is one of the best
>minimalist lists I've seen. But beans and rice could get old pretty
>quick, how's about sharing your favorite recipes?

I don't cook with recipes. Here's a few condiments (not particularly

        soy sauce
        salt, pepper
        dried tomatoes
        curry powders

You get the idea...

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
| |
| Man, Debug Thyself |
| - Graffiti at People's |
| Computer Company - 1976 |

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