Re: Aha! experiences

From: Randall Randall (
Date: Sat Oct 31 1998 - 15:35:46 MST

Spike wrote:
> > Spike wrote: by the way joe, i underbid you. i, spiek jones offer my
> > immortal
> > soul to the devil for the price of a sack of donuts, and they dont
> > even hafta be those nifty sprinkly kind. {8^D
> now i know there is someone at lockheed sunnyvale that reads
> extropians but evidently isnt posting. yesterday morning i came
> into my office and found a sack of donuts on my desk with a
> yellow sticky where some joker had written, in all lower case:
> "ok, spike, its a deal. td"
> i dont know any td. has anyone seen any post from anyone
> with initials td? at least i *hope* it was some joker at lockheed
> that did that. {8^D spike
Er..."The Devil"?

Hm. Do you post from work, Spike? Some companies
read employees' email...

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