I've got some letters to look for: S E C

From: Sean Parker (seanp@uu.net)
Date: Fri Oct 30 1998 - 13:26:32 MST

Good letters to watch out for if you're a scammer trying to drive up prices on
penny stocks with so called "research."

When the stock jumps from 10 cents to 4 bucks and you pocket a few hundred
thousand and leave the country, I think the US government is going to be doing
some looking, and it ain't gunna be at a stock ticker.

- Sean Parker.... ....seanp@uu.net
- Programmer/Analyst.... ....(703) 645-4459
- UUNET an MCI WorldCom Company
- Specialization is for insects. -Heinlein

On Friday, October 30, 1998 2:55 PM, research@hampton.net
[SMTP:research@hampton.net] wrote:
> 10/30/98
> Y2K Solution!
> 8 Pine Circle Dr., Silicon Valley, Calif.
> OTC Company "TCFG" 21 st. Century Frontier Group has
> through several members of their administrative research
> department leaked vital information about their companies
> efforts.
> Everyone was tight lipped and interviews were refused,
> and through un-named sources we have learned that the
> technology and software solution are in the process of
> being patented!
> In over 1640 trials, using various data systems the use
> of the new technology and software solved the Y2K
> problem 100% of the time.
> This small publicly traded company "TCFG" which is just
> 3 years old is through various sources now negotiating
> with the "Big Boys"!
> "TCFG" the letters to look for.....

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