QUESTION: Post Singularity Disease Control

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Thu Oct 29 1998 - 01:35:24 MST

Active-shield based virtually infinite computing resources performing
operations logistics management to steer people around like toys
makes a lot of sense.

Simply make everybody's dreams come true simultaneously: pairing
supply with demand on the level of personality profiles.

Essentially automating the dating and mating game, hooking up need
with gratification, problem with solution.

No more need for the Center for Disease Control. Simply herd the
herpes boys into charmed contact with herpes girls: aids patients
with each other, syphilis carriers with others, etc.

This improves significantly on celibacy, in my opinion.

However, I still haven't figured out the most technologically
efficient and ethically practical birth control.

No need for natural reproduction. But is vasectomy a better solution
than outright castration? Who needs sperm-meets-egg when a blood
sample taken to the local geneticist will do just fine?

But, what's the best mass sterilization implementation plan? Can
male sterilization be performed without forcing the boys from the
hood to go under the knife. I'm not so sure they'll go for that.

Maybe some sort of chemical in the water supply?

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