Re: no dolphine language

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Thu Oct 29 1998 - 12:19:32 MST

Joe Jenkins wrote:

> ---"Joe E. Dees" <> wrote:
> >
> > From:
> > > Perhaps dolphin A knew dolphin B would figure it out and let him
> have > > > the
> > > prize of discovery.
> >
> > Perhaps dolphin A was hoping dolphin B wouldn't figure it out, and
> > that he (A) would be returned to the other side of the pool and there
> > would be fish left.
> >
> Perhaps dolphin A resented not being consulted on the design of the
> experiment and the thought of being tested on an utterly simplistic
> communication skill ;-)

Perhaps Dolphin A thought that the quality of the food was so poor, he
could not in all good concience recommend it to Dolpin B, but then he was
having a tiff with Dolphin B over a female, so he didn't mention how bad it
was either, hoping that Dolping B would wind up upchucking in front of the
object of their romantic competition.

Mike Lorrey

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