Re: Amusing anti-cloning arguments

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Wed Oct 28 1998 - 21:54:13 MST

Is it just wild-eyed idealism on my part? It seems to
me that by the time we have the ability to make highly
stategic genomic modifications, individuals will
also have the ability to choose whatever body type
they prefer. The Transhumanistic ideal would be that
anyone who had been genetically modified would at any
time have the liberty of choosing between any number
of body types.

We don't have to worry about a 6-handed version of a
human living and working on a space station being
condemned to that body type and that body type alone.
One's brain should be quite transplantable by the time
we have the technology to construct 6-handed humans.
Of course, I could be entirely wrong.

BTW, watched a Deep Space Nine episode tonight
about a group of genetically enhanced mutants.
Basically they've been ostracized and institutionalized
despite their intellectual superiority. Thing is . . . they're
a bit eccentric. Except for Dr. Bashir (sp?), the one that
was able to fit in, hiding and protecting his transhumanistic
identity. I've also noticed that the new version of "The
Outer Limits" frequently has episodes with transhumistic


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