blood transfusions and non-hodgkin lymphoma

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Wed Oct 28 1998 - 03:50:00 MST

  Cerhan JR.
  Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of
  Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City 52242-1008, USA.
  New epidemiologic leads in
  the etiology of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in
  the elderly: the role of blood transfusion
  and diet. [Review] [38 refs]
  Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 51(5):200-7, 1997.
  The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in persons over
  the age of 65 years has increased dramatically since
  the 1950s in western countries. The
  strongest known risk factors for NHL are primary or acquired
  immunosuppression, but these severe deficiencies are
  relatively rare and cannot explain the rapid increase
  observed in the elderly. Recent work suggests that common
  exposures which influence immunocompetence, albeit at a much weaker level,
  may also be risk factors for NHL. Two such risk factors recently associated
  with NHL are prior history of blood transfusion and certain aspects of diet.
  In four out of four studies, prior history of blood transfusion was
  associated with approximately a doubling in NHL risk, even for a transfusion
  first received a decade or more before diagnosis. Other
  studies suggest that diets high in animal proteins and fats may increase
  the risk of NHL while fruit and vegetable consumption may
  decrease risk. Allogeneic blood transfusion is known to suppress
  the immune system, and diets high in protein and fat may
  also lead to altered immunocompetence, although other
  mechanisms such as viral transmission or the effects of
  heterocyclic amines and N-nitroso compounds may also play a role. Follow-up
  of these observations my lead to a better understanding of
  the NHL epidemic and new approaches to
  the prevention of NHL. [References: 38]

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