Re: NEWS: Teleportation experiment; CIA secrecy

From: J. Maxwell Legg (
Date: Tue Oct 27 1998 - 16:27:03 MST

Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko wrote:
> It's not a clear technical description, but the claim
> is that the properties of a beam of light were transported
> across the laboratory bench.
> See:
> Anybody knows more about this?
> Also, some interesting info on CIA secrecy and cold war:

Are you implying that Verona used an XOR quasi-quantum entanglement for
its encryption method?

If so you may want to look at Wavelink, an invention of mine, that did a
similar thing. This invention actually ran for over a year but it was
effectively suppressed and finally my business was destroyed by the
McMafia because this invention let all their skeletons tumble out of the

What is more scary is the proposal that the Y2K mainframes be clocked
always-on at 12/31/1999 and used as archive servers. In this case a CIA
time travel-bot could, in say fifty years from now, alter electrons in
the same Y2K server and it will be the same electron that existed in
1999 thus changing the data as effectively exists today. This could be
used to destroy the credibility of an opponent by manufacturing false

My Wavelink invention is at:-

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