Re: Questioning Y2K

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Oct 26 1998 - 01:05:27 MST

At 11:13 PM 10/25/98 -0800, Hara Ra wrote:

>>I had a really serious talk recently about going to a remote cabin with:
>>1) water from a well
>>2) wood burning stove
>>3) lots of dehydrated food for "deep storage" of several months supply of
>Why bother with all of that? Just get:
> Heavy sleeping bag, depending on climate.
> 5 gal collapsible water bags - with care, 5 days/bag
> lots of beans and rice
> 2-5 5 gal propane tanks
> gas camp stove & converter for propane tanks.
> condiments for beans and rice
>And you have all the stuff round the house with no hassle.

  IAN: Don't forget a water-filtration unit
  in case saved-water runs out. But if things
  really get bad enough that such items are
  utilized, then we are talking about the
  likelihood of roving bands of looters
  willing to kill you to get your
  nice little supply of goods.

  I've been watching this issue and watching
  the group of nay-sayers slowly but surely
  dwindle, and the group of people on the
  verge of panic increase. Even the more
  skeptical talk about gathering up
  supplies before the date.

  Whatever the impact of Y2K on the U.S.,
  it stands to reason that much of the rest
  of the world, already reeling under economic
  downturns, will get hit hard, since they are
  not in a situation now to hire all the high-
  tech programers and the like to fix their
  entire computer systems. I hear that in
  Russia, nothing is being done to pre-
  pair for Y2K. Countries in Africa,
  while there are very few computers
  per person, still have computer dependent
  infrastructures. These are the places where
  the *bleep* may really hit the fan. This is
  may be the biggest problem in store for all.

Visit Ian Williams Goddard -------->

     "He who pursues learning will increase every day;
       he who pursues Tao will decrease every day."
                 Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)


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