Re: Mind machines, a badly neglected topic?

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Sun Oct 25 1998 - 08:12:12 MST

Scott Badger wrote:
> >>there was a research scientist working out of a
> >>Canadian university who has published several papers
> >>on the effects of a machine he designed which
> >>manipulated and focused electromagnetic frequencies
> >>on various places in the brain.
> >
> >Michael Persinger. Susan Blackmore says it can be a very distressing
> >experience.
> >
> >Damien Broderick
> Dat's da guy! Now . . . the bonus question: "Which University?"
> Scott

I just did an Alta Vista search on "Michael Persinger". 196 articles.
A great many of them appear to be connected to Paranormal stuff. I
can't quickly determine whether Dr. Persinger has become involved with
the paranormal or whether his research has been co-opted. This is a
shame, because it looks like he started with some solid and reproducible
experiments. I'll have to rely on someone like Susan Blackmore to sort
this out. For example, look at:

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