Re: ant! experiences

Date: Thu Oct 22 1998 - 00:44:26 MDT

In a message dated 98-10-22 00:02:52 EDT, you write:

<< joe, i wouldnt argue that we could be smart with fewer neurons
 and synaptic connections. i am supposing that each neuron and
 synapse could be three orders smaller than ours. spike

We could also use a multiverse arrangement, spheres of our brains existing
within other dimensions, Ive always loved dreaming about that, existing in
bodies at a fraction the size of our own, Itd make the Earth appear larger
than Jupiter is now. Our brains could also access a field and grow larger
when we needed it.

ps - have the archives been fixed? I searched for my email adress and couldnt
find any with mine on it, im especially interested in my archives from 1997.


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