Re: ants and posthumans

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Oct 21 1998 - 23:14:54 MDT

> ---Robin Hanson <> wrote:
> > See: Lilliputian Uploads. Extropy 7(1):30-31, 1995. A copy is at
> >
> > Joe Jenkins wrote: People's strong need for
> > the familiar physical sensations and comforts would have to
> satisfied in > a virtual reality that had little direct connection to
> ordinary physical > reality.

joe, as i grow older, time seems to go by faster always. life is
logarithmic. sigh. {8-[ so slowing the clock is exactly what i
wish to accomplish. granted that bit about a crashing wave
taking a month is a bit extreme, but... {8-)

heres my reasoning on the ant thing. i figure 6E23 atoms of
carbon have a mass of about 12 grams, and the brain is mostly
carbon, and its mass is, i dont know, 1.6 kg? so we are on the
order of 8E25 atoms in our brains? ok, 6E25 in my case, but
that should be plenty to make 1E10 neurons and their supporting
interconnections, even if we reduced our linear scales by 3 orders.
in that case our brain mass would be reduced 9 orders, so my ant self
could still have a 6E16 atom brain or six million atoms per brain
cell. right? so perhaps the only reason ants are so stupid is that
their brains are not very organized and the cells waste too many
atoms on nonessential tasks... {8-] spike

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