Re: Aha! experiences

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Mon Oct 19 1998 - 17:08:48 MDT

J. Maxwell Legg wrote:

> I just read: "The Implementation of a
> Constructivist Approach to the
> Resolution of Prejudice"
> "Consider the man who has learned to shoot game (learning 1, rifle
> shooting) and who
> announces he enjoys shooting game (elephant and hippopotamus). He risks
> verbal
> attack from people who disapprove for ecological reasons. On the first
> occasion that
> this happens the hunter will realize that s/he is amongst an anti-blood
> sports group.
> The time spent hunting which is appreciated with hunting groups has
> another
> meaning for this group. A new context is learned. Learning at this
> logical level is not
> about behaviour but about the categories of contextual organization of
> behaviour (e.g.,
> Bateson 1979, p.134). "

Very interesting. But how do you communicate with anti-blood sports people
(who paradoxically may occasionally eat slaughtered meat) the facts that:

a) since 98%+ of the negative impact of mankind upon the ecology is due to
organized agriculture, NOT bloodsports, that their 'ecological reasons' are
total hogwash if they are eating grains, tofu, beans, etc. etc. etc which
destroy natural habitat.

b) since, as just posted on this list the facts that 1) low calorie diets
promote longevity, and 2) high carb vegetable diets cause much of the
Insulin Resistance effects associated with aging, and 3) wild game meat is
extremely low in fats, cholesterol, and are high in useful protein (as
opposed to farm bred animals), that

c) living on and practicing a diet based on wild game caught via 'blood
sports' is actually a more ecologically concious and healthy lifestyle than
protecting, practicing and promoting an organized agriculture based
vegetarian diet.... they should go out, get off their butts and hunt down
and kill their own food. Its much better exercise as well....

Mike Lorrey

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