War on Health Freedom

From: Ian Goddard (Ian@Goddard.net)
Date: Fri Oct 02 1998 - 22:53:15 MDT

Some eye-opening analysis quoted from the report "Berlin
Tribunal" at this page: http://www.rath.nl/GB/hot1.htm

Throughout the 20th century the pharmaceutical
industry was built and organized with the goal
to control the health care system of nations by
systematically replacing natural, non-patentable
therapies with patentable and therefore profitable
synthetic drugs. The architects of the pharmaceutical
industry were unscrupulous entrepreneurs and financiers
who, from the very beginning of this industry, had defined
the human body and the diseases it hosts as their marketplace.

As the result of the systematic take-over of the health care
system by nationally and internationally operating pharmaceu-
tical corporations billions of people in almost all countries
of the United Nations have been paying trillions of dollars
for pharmaceutical drugs that neither prevent diseases nor
cure them. The governments, the economic and social sectors
of all industrialized countries are currently held hostage
by the ill-conceived and criminal practices of
pharmaceutical corporations.

A particular example is the Federal Republic of Germany,
the leading export nation of such pharmaceutical products
in the world. Throughout the 20 th century, the German
pharmaceutical corporations Hoechst, Bayer and BASF have
determined the fate not only of that country but of the
entire world. In an effort to control the global chemical
and pharmaceutical markets, these corporations formed the
IG Farben Cartel already at the beginning of this century,
sponsored the rise of Hitler to power and were the driving
economic force behind the Second World War and Hitler's
effort to conquer the world. Hoechst, Bayer and BASF were
the organizers of the giant industrial plant IG Auschwitz
using as their forced labor camp the Concentration Camp
Auschwitz, the largest crime site of human history.

At the 1947 Nuremberg Tribunal 24 of the managers of
Hoechst, Bayer and BASF and other IG Farben executives
were accused of the following crimes against humanity:

  planning and leading the war

  mass murder

  conducting criminal experiments on
  innocent inmates of concentration camps

  grand theft and plundering

  slavery and other crimes.

The US lead prosecutor Telford Taylor said in the Nuremberg
Tribunal against these IG Farben executives: "Not the Nazi
lunatics but these accused are responsible for this war.
And if they are not punished for these crimes the harm
they will do to future generations is much greater than
Hitler could ever have done if he were alive."

The IG Farben Cartel was dismantled and split by the
Nuremberg Tribunal into the daughter companies Hoechst,
Bayer and BASF. With the help of Nelson Rockefeller, their
former business partner and US Undersecretary of State after
the war, all convicted IG Farben managers were released from
prison already in 1952 and reassumed positions in the highest
levels of German industry.

The prediction of Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor Taylor soon
became true. In post-war Germany the positions of chairmen of
Hoechst, Bayer and BASF were held by war-time IG Farben direc-
tors and former members of the Nazi party for over a quarter
of a century after the second world war.

Hoechst, Bayer and BASF lost no time to build up other political
leaders to serve their interests in post-war Germany. Between
1959 and 1969 Helmut Kohl worked for the "Verband der Chemischen
Industrie" (Association of Chemical Industry), the largest lobby
organization of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. This ind-
ustry systematically promoted Helmut Kohl’s political
career thereby continuing to instrumentalize the German
government for their global expansion plans. And their
investment paid out. Now, fifty years after the Nuremberg
Tribunal split the criminal IG Farben Cartel into Hoechst,
Bayer and BASF each of these three daughter companies is 20
times larger than the IG Farben empire ever was. Today, these
IG Farben successors are the largest exporters of pharmaceutical
products in the world, maintaining an industrial network over 120
countries of the world.

For almost two decades, Helmut Kohl has been heading the German
government. During this time the government of Germany became the
political spearhead of the global conquest of the pharmaceutical
industry and of the world-wide genocide and mass murder committed
on their behalf. The criminal role of the pharmaceutical corpora-
tions and the German government becomes particularly evident by
the effort to suppress one of the greatest advances in medicine,
which will lead to the elimination of heart disease.

The discovery that vitamins and other essential nutrients are the
answer to the most common health problems of our time marked not
only a turning point in medicine but it immediately threatened
the very existence of the pharmaceutical industry.

The global pharmaceutical market of cardiovascular drugs alone
is in excess of several hundred million dollars every year and
the single largest segment of the global drug market. In order
to artificially stabilize their global pharmaceutical drug market
the pharmaceutical corporations now formed an international Pharma-
Cartel. This Pharma-Cartel organizes a global campaign to system-
atically obstruct, suppress the dissemination of the life-saving
information of this medical breakthrough and to publicly discredit
the health benefits of vitamins and other natural remedies.

Between 1991 and 1994 and as a direct reaction to Dr. Rath's
discoveries, the Pharma-Cartel tried to make vitamins and other
essential nutrients prescription drugs in the US, their single
largest national market. The pretenses under which the Pharma-
Cartel promoted their legislative plan, "consumer protection"
from non-existing side-effects and "international harmonization"
to adapt inadequately low daily nutritional recommendations,
were false and deceptive. However the statistical facts un-
covered the deception of the Pharma-Cartel and showed that
in the last ten years no American had died from side effects
of vitamins and other essential nutrients. Supported by millions
of Americans, US Congress unanimously passed the Dietary Supplement
Health and Education Act of 1994, which secured unrestricted access
to nutritional supplements.

  The above was xcerpted from the report "Berlin Tribunal"
  found at this webpage: http://www.rath.nl/GB/hot1.htm

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