Re: Augmentation: Using Current Tech

From: Emmanuel Charpentier (
Date: Tue Sep 29 1998 - 05:46:54 MDT

---Joe Jenkins <> wrote:
> My invention for near current tech augmentation go like this:
> vision blocking Video headset - (soon to be replaced with contact
> Stereo cameras on outside of headset
> eye focus sensing device - knows current position of focusing muscle
> electronic focusing system for cameras
> All I want to do, is do a Zoom, Zoom, Zoom ;)

 Seems nice. But I won't use it unless I can easily switch between the
actual feature of eye focus, and the enhanced feature of zooming :)

  Is the brain so plastic?

   For the moment, I would much more easily use glasses with a special
vision set into a corner of it. Plus a mike set into one of my hears,
and a mike in the top of my tie or shirt connected to a portable
phone. We could then contact each other as well as contact our vocal
computer. That gets us nearer to telepathy. (Note: the hackers and
crackers of the system will just be telepaths with a bigger thelepatic
ability .)

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