Re: web based health studies

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Sep 28 1998 - 21:50:48 MDT

> Spike Jones wrote:
> > how, extropians? how how how how do we do it? spike
> Dennis Roberts wrote: ...What is the size of your survey?

as huge as possible, in order to pick out subtle signals in the noise.

> ...Do you want anecdotal info from the
> net at large to comprise the entire database...

no, i hope to reduce the info to numbers that can be placed
in an excel spreadsheet, for instance.

> or might multiple databases
> that used different survey methods to obtain their data be both more
> useful and be able to give you both privacy and highly valid data just
> not simultaneously...

ya. these two things are turning out to be as mutually incompatible
as position and momentum of the electron. it might not be
possible, in principle, to do both simultaneously. {8-[

> Example: Advertise ( through banner ads on the Internet Link Exchange
> for example) for individuals to become members of a list of potential
> survey recipients...

thanks for the ideas dennis! let me propose a different example than
the one i proposed before, which is finding the link between vitamin e
and breast cancer. this one is weak because only half the population
has em, and only 20% of the internet community, and perhaps 10%
of extropians.

everyone has kidneys, so consider the question of finding the link
between coffee and kidney stones. (as one who has recently suffered
this malady i am most eager to avoid a repeat.) the survey would
need only two questions: 1. how much coffee do you drink (ml/day)? and
2. how many times in your life have you had kidney stones?

dennis, is it possible to add this as an experiment to your website? spike

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