Re: Logic of Yoga

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Sun Sep 27 1998 - 23:38:50 MDT

At 07:35 AM 9/27/98 -0700, Yak Wax wrote:
>J. Maxwell Legg <> writes:
>>YAYA: While this essay clearly proves IAN GODDARD = 0,
>>in Egyptian mirror mathematics there is no zero, which
>>might explain why cats are psychic.
>Please do not provoke Ian, he's a bit unstable.

Yah, makes me think of a Singularity SI with an identity crisis.
(recall that Ian = ~Ian).... :-)

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
| |
| Man, Debug Thyself |
| - Graffiti at People's |
| Computer Company - 1976 |

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