Logic of Zero

From: Ian Goddard (Ian@Goddard.net)
Date: Sat Sep 26 1998 - 12:07:46 MDT

>At 10:37 AM 9/26/98 +1200, J. Maxwell Legg wrote:
>> YAYA: While this essay clearly proves IAN GODDARD = 0,
>> in Egyptian mirror mathematics there is no zero, which
>> might explain why cats are psychic.

  IAN: I should address J. Maxwell's apparent attempt
  at a logical argument. First I will attempt to make
  it: It seems that his argument is that because there
  is a system of numbers that does not include zero,
  that which is derived from a system with zero is
  not to be taken seriously. That is an argument
  against the entire system of modern mathematics.

  The fact that primitive societies had number systems
  that did not count higher than 3 is hardly reason to
  reject mathematical conclusions over 3. I for one
  believe that the system of complex numbers, of which
  the reals are a proper subset, is the most accurate
  logical system for mapping the structure of reality.

  Maxwell is, on the other hand, free to believe that
  "Egyptian mirror mathematics" is a more reliable
  system; I would only hope that he could at least
  attempt to formulate a case for why that is so.

  A better candidate for a zeroless number system might
  be the Alternative Number System (ANS), about which I
  posted here some months ago. Despite my initial glowing
  review of the ANS, further study clearly reveals why
  it is inferior to the current system of positional
  numeration, and thereby why zero is the single most
  important number in our Hindu system of numeration.
  ANS: http://flash.lakeheadu.ca/~bforslun/convert.html

             The Utility and Value of Zero

  " [T]he Indian sunya [zero] was destined to become
   the turning point in a development without which
    the progress of modern science, or commerce is
     inconceivable. ... In the history of culture,
      the invention of zero will always stand out
        as one of the greatest single achieve-
              ments of the human race."

                    Tobias Dantzig
           "Number, The Language of Science"
                 Macmillan Press, 1967

             Zero: Gateway To Enlightenment

      "He who contemplates on sunya...is absorbed
       into space. . . think on the Great Void un-
       ceasingly. The Great Void, whose beginning
       is void, whose middle is void, [and] whose
       end is void...By contemplating continually
        on this, one obtains success [nirvana]."

            The Siva Samhita (5:47,160,161)

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard --------> http://Ian.Goddard.net

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