Re: web based health studies

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Sep 26 1998 - 00:58:03 MDT

At 10:38 PM 9/25/98 -0700, Spike Lee wrote:

>controlled laboratory research has its shortcomings, which is
>why we still have recalls on new cars. also, i cannot access
>the information discovered by ford from their research track.
>but i can see potential problems by going to a ford owners
>chat group.

  IAN: True enough, and there's no guarantee that
  controlled laboratory research is immune from
  disinformation, i.e., results that were rigged,
  although duplication of the research should
  weed that out, so long as it's independent.

  Also, gathering information from a wider population
  has its advantages too. In-line with what your
  talking about, I did a little research on the web
  on a drug that a family member was taking... the
  search yielded a bunch of posts and replies on
  some mailing-list archives where people cited
  side effects they were having. Sure enough,
  when I got to the scientific literature on the
  drug, they were all there. And the official lists
  of side effects are in fact simply gathered from
  relatively small groups of people who simply report
  what they experience, and thus is basically anecdotal.

  Where laboratory research is critical is in understanding
  the exact physiological mechanics of a drug's interaction
  with the body, and in that way we get a picture as to why it
  does what it does, and that really explains what's happening.
  For example, if we know that chemical x is an antioxidant,
  even before it's taken internally, we can be pretty sure
  of a given set of effects that it will have on users.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard -------->


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