BIO: Starfish and Lobsters

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Wed Sep 23 1998 - 11:05:13 MDT

        In the realm of marine biology it has long been observed that both
starfish and lobsters have very unique traits which, to the best of current
biological knowledge, do not occur elsewhere in nature. For one, starfish
have regenerative capabilities: if one were to cut off the limbs of a
starfish (as many unknowing fishermen have often done) it does not actually
kill the fact it creates five more in its place. Biologists
know that this is an advanced form of budding, but they do not know how or

        Parallel to this is the growth of lobsters. In controlled
experiments, scientists have not been able to observe lobsters dying of
"natural" causes. In addition, their growth rate is not known to subside
with age: their apparent cellular reproduction causes them to continue
growing until the accident curve picks them off. As far as anyone knows,
there could be 300 year old lobsters living in the deepest areas of the

        These two observations have been known for quite some time, yet the
examples are rarely used in regard to human aging. Furthermore, I have not
personally heard of any research pertaining to the cellular and genetic
possibilies when applied to humans. If I am wrong, please correct me, but
if not, I believe that this is viable area to look to when considering the
possibilities of human longevity.

E. Shaun Russell Musician, Poet, ExI Member
==============================> Transhumanities editor for Homo Excelsior
Kineticize your potential.

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