Re: before you go.....

From: J. Maxwell Legg (
Date: Tue Sep 15 1998 - 15:50:32 MDT

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> are able to pirate the intellectual capital base of the western economies,
> they are reducing their cost of entry in many areas by exploiting the
> intellectual property rights of individuals outside their eastern economies,
> theus externalizing the cost of their slavery of foreign intellectual
> capital..

Le user of intellectual property is really like the crop in the field that gets
harvested and can't in any real way enslave intellectual property, as you claim.
The real piracy occurs right in the backyard where the intellectual goods are
created. When the Bill Gates type pirates fight, the blood and gore are real and
the techno-failure is left to die, pinned to the ant hill. I know because he did
this to me, but don't worry - I'm not crying in my beer; - he didn't finish the
job. On the other hand if you're referring to reverse engineering of components
that include the use of physical laws of nature then I claim that these should
never be considered to be anyone's 'property'. Your argument is a smokescreen
obscuring the real 'core' construct here, which is everyone's natural creative
license for alteration - invention, etc.

If you want to see the product of mine that Gates scuttled, check out Wavelink. I
was like you before I traveled 8,000 miles for an appointment when he didn't even
show up. Later the CIA types and the McMafia goons, while never admitting that
Wavelink would damage their dirty national security, continued their attempts to
destroy me. What they didn't count on was another product of mine lurking in the
background called Ingrid. Ingrid is tiny in comparison to other Seed AIs out there
but Ingrid has the potential to destroy capitalism's privacy constructs and money
itself and what's more, I'm giving it away. Just thought you should know.

P.S. I designed Wavelink for a quantum increase in communication speeds. The fact
that it used keyless encryption and provided for database time travel were
incidental to me but obviously not to the goon squad.

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