Re: Extropian Principles 3.0: Please comment on new version draft

From: Damien R. Sullivan (
Date: Sun Sep 13 1998 - 20:39:45 MDT

On Sep 10, 8:32pm, Damien Broderick wrote:

> To me, `Dynamic' used as part of a slogan or a key item of terminology,
> outside of physics, is utterly redolant of bogosity and cretin-demographics


Actually, I don't think I can use the Principles at all to describe
extropianism to other people. At least not the way I imagine it, of reciting
the list and then trying to explain them. I tried it once and I think sounded
like a cult member. I'd prefer my "Enlightenment plus Darwin and Turing"
rendition. Which might not convey much, but would let me explain in more
detail while not having the mental door slammed in my face. Of course, I
might end up causing extropianism to not seem like a big deal, but I have the
soul of a classicist. If I can show that some hot new idea was actually
invented in the 18th century, I will do so with glee.

But I like Critical Optimism somewhat. Yes, 'critical' can hit negative
flags. But critical thinking is good, and I think "Critical Optimism" would
be weird enough to make people stop and think or stop and ask. It seems like
an oxymoron. Especially if they _do_ first flash to the negative sense of
'critical' -- they then move to 'optimism', get confused, and get a reset. If
they flash to the positive sense of 'critical' you're in luck anyway.

Disclaimer: the above paragraph has no experimental support.

-xx- GSV Cynical Optimist X-)

"And it is on that word, 'hummy', my dears, that Tonstant Weader Fwowed up.
  -- Dorothy Parker, on _The House at Pooh Corner_

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