AI Prime Directive

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Sep 11 1998 - 10:21:44 MDT

I am awe-struck, of course, by Eli the prodigy's new work. I'm eagerly
awaiting some detailed commentary from the computing gurus. Meanwhile, I
am disturbed by one indication that Eli is approaching his task
(understandably - how much can one guy cover?) without much sense of the
last 40 or 50 years' accumulated philosophy, let alone such really
important archives of wisdom as sf. The fact that Eli places at the core
of his endeavours the really silly instruction that we must

< Never allow arbitrary, illogical, or untruthful goals to enter the AI. >

reflects a touching faith in human powers of understanding and consistency.

There is some play made of Asimov's Three Laws, and a heart-felt admonition
that AI designers not be taken in by this great but erroneous deontological
doctrine. Calm down, Eli - nobody has ever taken that gadget seriously,
least of all Isaac (who took it over from Campbell as a story-generating
device exactly because of its capacity to spew out entertainingly
inconsistent interpretations and even world-views in the poor machine in
its thrall).

The best deconstruction/demolition outside formal philosophy of this
program is found in various stories and novels by the brilliant John
Sladek, who is usually mysteriously overlooked by people who know Rudy
Rucker's work, let alone Asimov's. Sladek showed again and again how
fatuous the Three Laws are, how inevitable the escape from their supposed
restraints. Look for his stories, anbd the novels TIK-TOK, RODERICK, OR
he managed to leave the B off the start of those titles.)

My own version, published in 1980, is the Three Laws of Microprocessors,
which rather neatly subsume Asimov's:

I: Thou shalt love mankind with thy whole mind and thy whole heart and thy
whole soul.

II: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

III: Thou shalt love thyself.

(`I was shaken; I'd imagined the behemoths under the control of a more
stringent algorithm than that. "It seems rather open to interpretation.'

"Ethics is like that," Marx said. "It's a Godel problem, like the Cretan
Liar. Don't fret, though, sir. We're situationalists, but we opt from a
rather comprehensive metaphysical consensus." '

from: *The Ballad of Bowsprit Bear's Stead* )

[Yes, I know - the Cretan Liar *isn't* a Godel problem, it's a Russell
problem. Would you trust a robot called Marx?]

More seriously, the topic of discursive reframing (which makes a total hash
of any `Prime Directive' imaginable) can be pursued in books such as
Stanley Fish's reader-response diatribe IS THERE A TEXT IN THIS CLASS?
through to my own THEORY AND ITS DISCONTENTS. It's fundamental to Roger
Schank's work in AI, too, I'd have thought.

Damien Broderick

Dr Damien Broderick / Associate, Dept. English and Cultural Studies
        University of Melbourne, Parkville 3052, AUSTRALIA
        Ozlit biography/bibliography listing:


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