about dynamic music

From: Cen-IT Rob Harris (Rob.Harris@bournemouth.gov.uk)
Date: Wed Sep 09 1998 - 07:49:47 MDT

Well fellow thinkers, I think I'll follow Mr. Pablo's lead and make my
first comment. Greetings all round.....

About your dynamic music idea........
I don't think you could expect much success from this little
venture.....not that the idea isn't novel or original, but due to the
source of our enjoyment of music. How many times have you witnessed
somebody say during a song : "Here comes the good/best bit....", I bet
quite a few, or noticed a song "grow on you", whereas you may not have
been moved by it from the outset. The rush of anticipation before the
chorus kicks in and the band go mad, or that shiver down the spine when
you get to the uplifting bit, represent a significant factor in a
person's musical enjoyment, and require listening more than once.
A piece of music that is different every time you hear it would lack
these vital attributes, removing "singing along", "the good bit" and
"growing on you" in one fell swoop.
What do you think ?


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