SITE: Coding A Transhuman AI (temp)

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Mon Sep 07 1998 - 21:17:50 MDT

Coding a Transhuman AI
    also known as
Notes on the Design of Self-Enhancing Intelligences
The Art of Seed AIs
How to Build a Power in 3 Easy Steps and 35 Hard Steps
Applied Theology 101:  Fast Burn Transcendence

A fairly massive tome, about halfway complete at 210K.
This is a temporary version for use in the Singularity Colloquium, in case the
completed page takes another two weeks. The completed version will be reannounced.

     Table Of Contents: (Implemented sections only.)

   1. Pragmatism and allowable methods.
   2. Seed AIs.
   3. Grounding (vs. symbols and stochastics).
   1. Self-enhancement and domino enhancement.
   2. Domain modules:  Domdules.
   3. World-model:  Integration of domdules.
   4. RNUI:  Representing, Noticing, Understanding, and Inventing.
   5. Symbols and memory.
   6. Adaptive code and self-organization.
   7. Reflexive reasoning:  Self-awareness and will.
   8. Causality and goals.
View from multiple levels
   1. Meet the AI.
   2. Sample thought.  (Internal TOC.)
   3. The AI Advantage.
   1. Self-swallowing compilers.
   13. Interim Goal Systems.
   3. The Prime Directive:  No Asimov Laws.

Credit goes to Max More for stimulating this by challenging the assertion that
human AI implies transhuman AI. I tried to specify all the principles that
would affect the AI's trajectory, and at about 3 AM realized it should
probably be a separate page...

--         Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you
everything I think I know.

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