Re: Russian communism exposed

From: J. Maxwell Legg (
Date: Sat Sep 05 1998 - 17:03:47 MDT

James Ganong wrote:

> >Eh? Russian communism was in the end
> >exposed as a set of seven private corporations
> >running slaves on the gold standard and
> >headquartered in Sweden,
> J. Maxwell Legg
> I hadn't heard about this; have you a reference?
> Please include alternate-world coordinates if necessary ;).

My PC crashed since getting the refs and my files melted. Write to this
email address to get the archival sources directly from the researcher.
Say I sent you. While you're at it ask what involvement the husband of
Ayn Rand had with this setup because I have a vague recollection the
reference was from the same source.

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