Apology to Damien Broderick

From: Mike Linksvayer (ml@gondwanaland.com)
Date: Fri Sep 04 1998 - 20:54:22 MDT

I posted a message yesterday in the "Fix Unemployment" thread from
which one could conclude that I meant to suggest that Damien
Broderick harbors racist prejudices. I do not have any reason to
believe he entertains any such thoughts and did not mean to suggest


In an attempt to make up for the time of list members I have wasted
with this apology, I suggest the following new search engines. I
have found them quite useful. Hopefully this information will
improve someone else's use of the net as well.

<http://www.northernlight.com/> performs reasonable web searches,
and also searches "4 million articles from over 4,500 journals,
books, magazines, databases and newswires."

For queries producing large numbers of matching pages,
<http://google.stanford.edu/> often does a better job of finding
relevant items. Apparently it does this by examining the content
of pages linked to in addition to the content of the page in question
when it determines how to rank search results. Google also uses
Linux on relatively low end hardware without bogging down.

See From: and Organization: above.  Call +1 415 553 6408 for assistance.

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