Billions for Banksters: about the author

From: Sarah Marr (
Date: Fri Sep 04 1998 - 04:37:46 MDT

At 01:16 04/09/98 -0700, you wrote:
>---"J. Maxwell Legg" <> wrote:
>> All money comes into existance as a debt. If all debts were repaid
>> would be no money. For more on the debt engine read "Billions for
>> at:-
>> This story is good confirmation...

The author's qualifications for writing this economic analysis, from
"" :

"Sheldon Emry was truly a pastor who fit the prophet Jeremiah's
description.Through his teachings many Christian Americans came to realize
just how meaningful world history really was. Because of his ability they
learned how to apply the Bible, God's Law, to their everyday lives and how
it should be applied to American government. It was through this special
God-given insight that Pastor Emry was able to show Americans the
importance of beinga Christian and a Patriot simultaneously. These
Americans were able to understand all these things because God Almighty
used Pastor Emry in the particular ministry He had called him to, to help
open their blinded eyes to their true identity as God's chosen people."

Hmmmmm. Could he be a somewhat biased author, with his own agenda, perhaps?


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