Re: Beg your pardon? (Was: Teach the hungry)

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Thu Sep 03 1998 - 20:23:10 MDT

To J. Maxwell Long:

It so happens that my dissertation dealt with career indecision among
college students and my primary instrument of assessment was the cognitive
grid as developed by George Kelly. And even with all this relatively
"inside" knowledge, I am having a most difficult time making sense out of
your posts. I'm sure they make sense in your construction of the universe.
It just seems to me that your writing style is so fraught with some sort of
personalized vocabulary, that it comes across as pretty ambiguous even to
someone like myself who is familiar with Personal Construct Psychology
(PCP). Now I'm sure you're very intelligent and I don't doubt that you have
something valuable to contribute to this list, but I personally would
appreciate any effort on your part to communicate your ideas as
unambiguously as you are able. Imagine that we're all college freshmen
attending your introductory course.

IOW, speak English!

BTW, when I find time I look forward to exploring INGRID.

Thank you,

Scott Badger, Ph.D.

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