Re: Internet use causes depression and loneliness

Date: Tue Sep 01 1998 - 21:19:28 MDT

In a message dated 9/1/98 11:49:42 AM, wrote:

>They are trying to use the timing of variables to infer causality;
>things that are measured earlier likely cause, and are not caused by,
>things that are measured later. So to disambiguate cause, they measure
>soc/psych both before and after internet use. Of course there's always
>the possiblity of unmeasured variables causing everything, such as
>unmeasured "during" soc/psych. But it seems to me they have done the
>reasonable thing with the data the have.

Even by that standard, then, they've overreached in deducing causation.
Neither the family communication-usage nor depression-usage correlations
changed significantly from pre to post, although loneliness probably

Also, the *change* in psychological state is contemporaneous with
internet use, and so with respect to that as a causative factor, they
don't have temporal control. If *losing* friends makes people turn
to the internet (as opposed to not having them in the first place)
then you get the reported results, even with the reverse of the inferred

>Huh? They used log of internet hours, without truncation.

Oops, my bad.

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