Re: Arguments Against god... LONG

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Wed Aug 26 1998 - 18:19:31 MDT

Joe E. Dees wrote:
> I mention to them that I object to christianity on moral grounds,
> being opposed to incest. When they inquire what I mean, I reply by
> asking, "Who were the parents of Adam & Eve's grandchildren?"
> Joe
> >

When talking to christians, I generally ask then if they would
support my petition to abolish ritual symbolic cannabalism.
Most of them agree to support my petition after I explain that
that it's a major problem in this country and its practitoners
gather to perform their horrible rituals throughout the
country, inducting even their own children into the practice.
Generally, I can continue to explain the practice for several
minutes before they catch on. Usually, I have to mention that
their diety initiated the practice via a quasi-human avatar,
saying "this is my body eat it of me.."

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