Re: Once more with the Doomsday Argument

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Aug 25 1998 - 19:39:55 MDT

LC> Would the fact that we find ourselves numbering less than
> 100 billion truly give us reason to suspect we are among the
> unfortunate slated to perish soon? That depends upon whether
> or not the question is being asked by someone who _fairly
> chose our civilization to pick on_ by offering this bet.

NB> In a sense you are betting against yourself when you decide
> how to plan your life in view of your estimates of how long our
> species will survive.

Precisely; which is why you are not an acceptable random sample.
If we are betting a short-lived civilization against a long-
lived one, then we must offer the bet to a random sample of ALL
the postulated possible civilizations, not just the one at hand.
You can't have it both ways: either other civilizations are
postulated, in which case we are not a good sample, or else we
are a good sample, in which case we may not postulate others.

Bayes' requires an initial P(H), and P(E|~H). The former
doesn't matter much; it can be vanishingly small and still
generate a final probability as high as 1/3 in my examples.
But the latter--the prior probability of finding the evidence
conditioned on the negation of the hypothesis--i.e., how
likely are we to find our birth order small if we are a
sample from the postulated civilizations other than ours--
is critical. A large final result requires this prior to be
large; and the larger this is, the poorer a sample we are.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>
"All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
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