CLONING: Man pays $5 million to have dog cloned

From: Doug Bailey (
Date: Tue Aug 25 1998 - 12:13:50 MDT

Texan Pays Lab $5 Million to Clone His Pet Dog


LONDON, Aug 24 (Reuters)- A Texan millionaire is paying
a cloning laboratory $5 million to produce a living replica
of his pet dog Missy, according to a BBC programme.

The laboratory has already received some cells from the dog,
which is part collie, part Alsatian, Newsnight said on Monday.

The cloning laboratory of Texas A & M University at College
Station had been given two years to produce a clone.

Laboratory Director Mark Westhusin said he thought other
millionaires would be keen to follow suit.

``I'm sure there are lots of them out there that would if
they knew the potential existed to do it,'' Westhusin said.

Newsnight said other laboratories and companies were hoping
to move into commercial cloning of pets and racehorses.

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