Oops...math correction (re Doomsday)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (lee@piclab.com)
Date: Mon Aug 24 1998 - 18:01:15 MDT

In my earlier analysis of the Carter-Leslie Doomsday Argument,
I incorrectly stated that the Bayesian posterior probability
of a ball having been drawn from the first of N urns, given
that it was numbered "1" and that the N urns contain 1, 2,
... N balls, approached 0 as N approaches infinity. That's
not true: if my second shot at the calculations are correct,
the limit is in fact 1/3. This shoots down one of my
objections to the DA, namely that the sample set of potential
universes is too contrived. It does not affect my objection
to the self-selection flaw.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com>
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