Re: The Physics of Immortality

From: jakob rębild (
Date: Mon Aug 24 1998 - 03:16:45 MDT

Bryan Moss/Anders Sandberg wrote:

> I haven't read the book (I only became aware that
> there was a book after following several links
> from your own web site) but I read the reviews and
> wondered if Tipler had specifically said this was
> the Christian God. I looked it up at Amazon and
> the reviewers were split between those who think
> it's the ultimate satire and those who think
> Tipler's trying to confuse them with physics.
> Strangely, no religious persons had commented.

i haven't read the book either, but the religious people i know praise
it highly because it does support eternal life. funny thing is i believe
i actually have the book somewhere, not sure if i'll get around to read
it anytime soon though. eternal life becomes boring after a while (more
than enough litterature on the subject as it is)

> If the universe is open, would it be possible to
> collapse it?

not probable, the known universe was coded before microsoft was founded.
it seems to run on a fairly stabile os...

> Or if not collapse it, how about
> constructing a massively dense *thing* with a huge
> gravitational pull and dragging all the other
> matter our way. Seems like a good alternative to
> interstellar travel.

sounds dangerous, wouldn't we end up with all matter in one place,
making way for even more planetary coalitions? i think the alternative
we're looking for is more like 'bending space' and/or space/time holes.
haven't quite figured out the way to do it yet, but i gather that your
grav pull machine isn't quite finished yet either. ;)

jakob :o)

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