Re: ECONOMY: Globalizing Power Standards

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Aug 23 1998 - 13:37:17 MDT

> Ken Meyering <> writes:
> >If there was to be a new global standard for the "electricity grid",
> >meaning the power outlets, which would be better, AC or DC?

Jeffrey Fabijanic wrote:

> For various technical reasons, we might want to have slightly lower
> standard voltages than we use today, and we'd certainly all want to get on
> the same frequency bandwagon ... - jeff

jeff i came to many of the same conclusions you did. i figure we
would end up with 3 phase 60 hz power at about 40-50 volts rms. this lower
potential would be a lot safer without giving away too much to
larger transformers. you could have a separate 250 volt service
for charging you car... spike

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