Re: Molecular CAD

From: Peter C. McCluskey (
Date: Thu Aug 20 1998 - 13:37:15 MDT ("Bryan Moss") writes:
>I've been searching around for molecular CAD tools
>and have so far found only Crystal Sketchpad and
>NanoCAD (and it's offspring). Crystal Sketchpad is
>clearly the most advanced of the two, since
>NanoCAD is very primitive in it's editing
>facilities. Are there any other molecular CAD
>packages (specifically geared toward
>nanotechnology) available? Wasn't Autodesk
>developing such software?

 Chris Phoenix demoed a version of his DiamondCAD program at the last
Senior Associates gathering that looked worthwhile for creating carbon-only
molecules with arbitrary shapes. See:

 I'm working on some extensions to Konrad Hinsen's MMTK. You can see
some hints at:
 It will probably be ready for people to use in another month or 2.

 Anyone interested in these topics should subscribe to the NanoCAD mailing
list and/or read the archives at:

Peter McCluskey          | Critmail ( | Accept nothing less to archive your mailing list

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