Onto the Important Conspiracies!

From: Doug Bailey (Doug.Bailey@ey.com)
Date: Wed Aug 19 1998 - 15:28:47 MDT

Contrary to various claims, Erik Moeller's posts are
very available for review. Try this URL:


As you can see Erik's posts are there, including the ones
in the "cult" thread. Hopefully, this will end the rampant
speculation and we can get back to our the important stuff

Obscuring the origins of the Cydonia structures,
hiding Elvis and Jim Morrison in our houses,
conducting various Illuminati/Freemason/Hermetic activities,
lying to the American public about our sexual relations,
conducting seances to contact L. Ron Hubbard,
embedding lost alien technology in Bazooka Joe comic strips,
figuring out what the hell Andy Rooney is talking about, and
taking more newspapers from the vending machines than we pay for.

And hiding it all under the ruse of a mailing list designed for
constructive discussion of transhuman and extropian topics.

This is misinformation.
The truth is out there.
Trust no one.
Where's the beef?
I can't believe its not butter.


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