Re: hi jenny!

From: Michelle Jones (
Date: Tue Aug 18 1998 - 12:34:54 MDT

Jenny Peter Chambers wrote:

> You gave me a commentary.
> You did not in fact answer one sentence
> with a question mark.

hmmm. this sounds a little less jennylike thanthe first post.

> Still waiting to hear about all the
> good you are all doing !

methinks "jenny" is trying to make the point thatextropians are not
doing the world any good. right?
we are a bunch of self absorbed navel gazers? ok,
tell ya what, "jenny", i'll bite on this. will you let me
off just saying that the ext chatgroup has been a positive
influence on me? we learn a few things, perhaps from embarrassing
180 degree conversions, such as my own experience
with roton rockets. its a place that i can toss out some
wild ideas, have people laugh at me, laugh with me, then
propose that perhaps there is something worthwhile there.
thanks extropians... spike

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