Russian theory of uploads

From: Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (
Date: Sun Aug 16 1998 - 00:18:35 MDT

You know that Russians invented everything.
I already wrote that I was taught about growth rate achieving infinity by 2030
in about 1970.
Now I am looking at a website on "Settleretics" giving a history of works on
mind uploads, starting with a thesis of theoretical possibility of immortality via
uploading, suggested by Glushkov in 1978. Also, various principles for uploads,
calculations of parameters, suggestions of global networked connections of uploads,
references to many (unfortunately, offline) works, and mentions of extropians who,
the author laments, don't know about Russian research. Well, it looks like Russians
didn't do much to correct this situation...

I'll try to get it translated. (Anybody interested in funding translation work?)
Meanwhile, those of us who can read Russian, may look at the page directly:

Alexander Chislenko <>
<> <>

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