Re: cryonics vs a gift from our nearest cousins

From: Michelle Jones (
Date: Fri Aug 14 1998 - 00:16:22 MDT

i hope there is a medical type out there who can help me with thisquestion.
years ago someone told me that chimps can accept human
blood transfusions. this was tried, and worked. true?

so, can humans accept transfusions from chimps? has it been
tried? if blood, can we get a transplant of other organs?
how about an entire body? i saw an article that a doctor
had switched the heads of two monkeys and they both
lived. quadraplegic of course, but they lived.

if one had a bad disease such as emphasema, and one
did not believe in cryonics, but wanted desperately
to live, could one have one's head transplanted onto
the body of a chimp? spike

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