Re: Rocket Science for Danny

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Fri Aug 14 1998 - 00:22:25 MDT

I have dined on fresh corvid, and believe I must report my error:

I dumbly forgot (and was kindly reminded) that *momentum* is conserved.
NOT kinetic energy. FT=MV, m1v1=m2v2 and all that.


SO my numbers are off by a factor of 3600, which is greater than I consider
acceptable to pass without correction. Michael Lorrey's explanation was (as
I'd hoped) closer to the point and factually correct. I plead fatigue and
oxidation (rustiness).


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"The highest love [is] uniquely human, the product of compassion and liberty--
    _not one at the expense of the other_." -- L. A. Chu & M. M. Butler

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