lack of transhumanist women?

From: Thom Quinn (
Date: Sun Aug 09 1998 - 13:23:36 MDT

I think talking about "hot" women to be silly; however, I will add this:
I have discussed extropian ideas with men and women alike, and I have
yet to talk to a woman who does not think transhumanism sounds either
strange, sci-fi, or downright evil.

I do live in Wisconsin---but many of these conversations took place in a
very liberal place, UW-Madison, where people are open to many ideas.

Anyone have any ideas why women seem to either dismiss or object to


William John wrote:
> >>>Don't worry about those few Extropian females dude, they're mostly
> lesbians :-) >>Because of our dorky image, no self-respecting hot babe
> >>> will associate with us (not to mention the fact that attractive people,
> especially >>women, are usually shallow). Go blame society!
> >What! What? What on earth are you talking about.
> >>Hardly. Natasha, for example, is pretty hot, and she's one of our inspired
> leaders.
> >Thank you Mike Lorrey for your rational thinking.
> Yes Mike, Natasha is really hot but since she is "taken" or unavailable (you
> lucky guy Max!). Us single Transhumanist guys can't really count her because
> of this. Remi and Katherine Aegis are the only other posting messengers to
> this list that I can think of. I don't know their availability status.
> Sincerely,
> -Bill
> Web Master
> Futurist Think Tank

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