Superintelligence Software

From: boogie woogie (
Date: Fri Aug 07 1998 - 10:48:23 MDT

I've seen lots of discussion of superintelligence recently and I've read
what articles I could find on the subject. I've seen lots of talk about
computer power skyrocketing into the stratosphere, singularities, and
the Cubs winning the pennant.

What I have not seen is talk about software. Where is the software for
these superintelligent entities? Where is the software for
human-intelligent entities? As far as I can tell, no one has a firm idea
how the human brain/mind works. Are we jumping the gun here? Shouldnt we
be talking more about the software? Right now the sequence I see us
envisioning is:

Computing power reaches brain level computing
Nanotechnology matures to allow for the above computing power to work
AND THEN A MIRACLE OCCURS and we have the software
and VOILA! superintelligence!

I'm uncomtable with the MIRACLE thing. Anyone able to replace it?


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