Re: (no subject)

From: Michelle Jones (
Date: Fri Jul 31 1998 - 00:04:06 MDT

>some of us use memetic replicators...

> Other examples of antagonistic memetic replicators are "nigger, kike, geek,
> redneck, ......truckdriver"...the list goes on and on...

it takes the sting out of antagonistic memetic replicators ifthe intended
antagonizee turns it around and carries the title proudly. the
most effective example of this i can think of is the homosexual community
and the term "queer", by naming a gay organization "queer nation".

the racially charged memetic replicators, such as the famous n word
we heard so much during the oj simpson trial, are never effectively
co-opted. counterexample? i have called myself a computer geek many
times, yet no one thought i was referring to eating live animals. i have
been known to devour sushi with great enthusiam however... {8^D spike

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