Re: Are guns extropian?

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 27 1998 - 10:24:25 MDT

Hara Ra wrote:

> >So now I have two examples with a 100% success rate where guns and force are
> >successful public health policies....
> And so we wander a zillion miles from my point: Treat violence as a public
> health problem rather than a crime and law enforcement problem. I expect
> the results would be well worth it. One current example is how violent
> crime is down almost everywhere. Why? The 15 - 25 age group isn't as poor
> as it was a few years ago - due to the ECONOMY.

Wrong. Violent crime is down due to a) greater ease for law abiding citizens to
go about their business armed (as evidenced by states retaining restrictive gun
policies have not seen their vilent crime rates drop at all or nearly as much as
states with liberalized gun laws), as well as b) youths that commit violent crime
usually wind up in jail for long terms now, or get shot by rivals. Once a crook
is shot by another crook, you have an immediate reduction in crime for the

Mike Lorrey

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