Re: FAQ: Where are we?

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Sun Jul 26 1998 - 16:11:20 MDT

Thx for the update on the FAQ. I have already submitted a few answers for
consideration and may have more to say as the other sections come up.

I totally agree with Doug Bailey's suggestion of having a linked page with
comments from individual transhumanists. Perhaps, if it is not too
complicated to set up, that page could link off of particular questions in
the FAQ. For instance, if someone is reading the answer to one of the
questions about posthumanity, they could find a link to the comments of
individual transhumanists who have or are developing specific perspectives
on that topic. I also think that it would be an excellent opportunity to
draw more thinkers into particular topics, by showing how new and wide open
this area of thought is, and how many avenues of it are open for exploration.


Kathryn Aegis

'Don't try to help me, I can save myself...If I'm incomplete, don't fill the
Save me from the people who would save me from my sin...They've got muscle
for brains!
--Andy Gill, Gang of Four, Songs of the Free

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