Re: [UPLOADING] Is the original alive?

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Thu Jul 16 1998 - 08:59:21 MDT

I believe that if/when uploading becomes feasible, few will be interested if
it means the destruction of the original because they will not be convinced
that it will "still be them". It'll be a different story once uploading
without destroying the original is perfected. However, for those pioneering
few who choose to allow themselves to be destroyed in the process of
uploading, the question "Will I survive?" becomes entirely moot. We are no
more likely to determine the answer to this question than we are to
determine the existence of god. It's a waste of time to ponder whether the
original identity survives "as" the dupicate. The facts are that the
original is gone and we will never know.

I agree with Robin Hanson who suggested that not enough consideration is
being given to the perspective of the uploaded entity. I would be concerned
with how the copy would cope with all this. Assuming they're uploaded with
the same emotional proclivities as the original, how would they deal with
the feelings of doubt and guilt as they question the very validity and
meaningfulness of their existence? Yes, you would feel just like the
original, BUT you would also know that you could never truly know whether
you are deluded or not. In addition, how comfortable would others be
interacting with you now. In the early days of uploading, I imagine most
people will think of you as "not the real thing. . .but an amazing
simulation". How will this effect your successful adaptation to your
environment? Will your family and friends grieve the loss of the original
or really accept you "as" him. There's a great potential for isolation,
depression, anxiety, etc. As Robin indicated, these matters are more
salient and meaningful than debates over the unknowable (I hope I'm not
mis-characterizing your comments, Robin).

This brings to mind my earlier post on personality enhancements. If I were
being forced to undergo uploading (for some reason), I would anticipate the
potential problems of me or my copy (whichever) emotionally handling the
transition and if possible try to minimize the trauma by arranging to have
my emotional intelligence enhanced/optimized in preparation.


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