Re: This is not just John K Clark

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Tue Jul 14 1998 - 07:34:42 MDT

Someone using John K Clark's <> computer wrote:

>The important point is that Mr. Clark is dead wrong and there is a huge
>difference between a copy and the original and what's more I can prove it
>with mathematical certainty.
>Let A = the original and let B = the copy
>Let's assume that Mr. Clark is correct and the original is the same as the
>copy, then:
>A = B
>Multiply both sides by A and you have
>A^2 = A*B
>Now add A^2 -2*a*B to both sides
>A^2 + A^2 -2*a*B = A*B + A^2 -2*A*B
>Using basic algebra this can be simplified to
>2*( A^2 -A*B) = A^2 -A*B
>Now just divide both sides by A^2 -A*B and we get

Sorrry, but since A=B, A^2-A*B=0 and you can't divide by 0.

>2 = 1
>The conclusion is absurd so the assumption can not be correct, the copy is
>not the same as the original and Mr. Clark does not know his ass from a
>in the ground.
>I have not told Mr. Clark about my brilliant finding because, because, ah,
>because of a very good reason, the reason is, ah, I was afraid proving him
>wrong would drive him into a fit of suicidal despair. Of course if you were
>to tell the bastard about it there is no way I could stop you, just don't
>mention my name.
> Dr. Livingston I Presume

I agree with your conclusion but not your proof.

Scott Badger

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