Re: My thoughts on guns.

From: Ian Goddard (IAN@GODDARD.NET)
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 16:37:55 MDT

At 12:48 PM 7/10/98 -0400, Christopher Whipple wrote:

>Guns as tools?
>Well, they certainly are working agents in memetics.
>"You change your ideality, or I'll shoot you",

  IAN: Or how about: "Turn in your guns
  or I'll shoot you" ? The case for gun
  CONTROL is a case FOR guns, specifically
  for one group (the Govt) having them all
  and one group (The People) having none.
  Power to The People, er, I mean Govt!

>Hatred begets hatred, violence begets violence and guns beget guns...

  IAN: It's a clear error to imply that
  gun control is anti-gun, when it is
  definitionally pro-gun-fascism. When
  has a law been enforced by a Govt
  that used no guns to enforce the law?

  It's like Karl Marx's "anti-Capitalism"
  based upon the Communist Party Platform
  that states in its fifth plank:

     "Centralization of credit in the
     hands of the State, by means of
     a national bank with state capital
     and an exclusive monopoly."

   "Anti-gun" laws are as "anti-gun"
   as communism was "anti-capital."

   In short, the "anti" in "anti-X law"
   doesn't refer to the 100% abolition
   of X, but rather the transfer of
   All X to the central authorities...
   a phoney pretext for totalitarianism:

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard -------->


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